Keeping food out the trash bin. Allowing people to turn food into exploration experiences throug civic science.
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An advocacy system based on civic science and community building as a tool to empower consumers with information and interaction design through content, open source design, workshops, field trips and product distribution on two themes to tackle food waste:
A. Food can bring smiles to others: to get knowledge on how to select, store and transform food before is no longer suitable to consume. We can save money and even feed our neighborhoods getting info first hand from farmers, food scientist, market vendors and elders to build community.
We picture Joaquin, who saw how to store bilberry cacti in a video, picked some in a field trip and got to talk to a producer, took a workshop on how to turn fruit into jelly before discarding it, tried the recipe from a printed guide, shared the jelly with her neighbors and now is having extra income from it.
B. Kitchens can be small laboratories and factories: to gain context on science and tech through food. Young and elders grasp and put into practice how organic products are constituent and how to turn non edible parts of food into materials, everyday objects or become plants again. It can even help clarify things at school.
We picture Susana, a 6th grader learning about flowers with a broccoli at her kitchen with our ebook, turning cabbage leaves into cardboard or bioplastics with the help of a kit send by us, composting and doing seed balls, as her family learned at a workshop.
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