BSID is the national platform that mobilizes multi-stakeholders in realizing Zero Waste Indonesia through an ICT-based participatory movement.
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Bebassampah.ID (BSID) is the national platform that mobilizes multi-stakeholders to act on realizing Zero Waste Indonesia through an ICT-based participatory movement initiative to advocate systemic, collaborative, transparent, and accountable waste management in Indonesia, especially based on the principles of zero waste and decentralization. BSID as a platform is also integrated with other initiatives, namely the Zero Waste Indonesia Movement as a national grassroots movement, the Zero Waste Indonesia Jamboree as an annual gathering of local activists, and the Zero Waste Rangers as student ambassadors, to generate the impactful and sustainable grassroots online movement that is different from other initiatives. While other waste management platform initiatives already exist, they come in the form of start-ups that aim to provide for-profit waste pick-up and management services. Bebassampah.ID, on the other hand, is a non-profit platform that aims to advocate for improvements to the solid waste management system through information portals and collaboration platforms. Additionally, various waste issue movements in communities or other non-governmental organizations are still offline-based, while Bebassampah.ID becomes a digital platform. Through its platform, BSID seeks to collect waste management data by a crowdsourcing scheme from citizens, multi-stakeholder partners including government institutions and private sectors, and waste activists to implement the Public Information Openness that formalized in National Act 14/2008 and the One Data Policy that formalized in Presidential Decree 39/2019. BSID then updates the data visualization in real-time. As a result, the waste management data generated by the civil society collected by BSID can complement the government’s data.
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