Our look is directed to the empowerment of women and the LGBTQIA+ community with the creative process with upcycling.

Long description

DESORDEM LAB UP!COMING it’s, an initiative that provides sustainable solutions for the ecosystem from a socio-cultural and creative perspective with upcycling!
UP!COMING foresees the creation of a textile waste collection system at Dourados, MS – Brazil so that, instead of being discarded as devalued materials, these residues can have their useful life extended through the creative multi-potential process of designers, dressmakers and artisans.
Dourados has its economy monopolized within the agribusiness sector for export. Because it is an extremely conservative city, being in the state that receives the most complaints of violence against women within a country considered the most homophobic in the world, it ends up being a city without many opportunities for women and the LGBTQIA + peripheral community.
We want a healthy and fairer market for consumers and we want to generate income and quality of life through our already sustainable system for Dourados ecosystem.
We intend to create a local support network with the city’s Federal University as well as other Federal Institutions so that we can positively impact the environment in terms of pollution and in women’s and the LGBT+ community lives.
Our look is directed to the empowerment of women and the lgbtqia + community with the creative process with upcycling. The world needs change and we are here for that!
We know Upcycling and we are UP! COMING!

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