How To Recycle Your E-Waste And Be Rewarded

We are collecting hoarded electronic and electric devices in collaboration with partner organizations in exchange for benefits and discounts.

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The project is part of an e-Waste Recycling initiative and the first of a series of recycling projects initiated by the Prague Global Shapers Hub that will take place in the future. The project aims to raise awareness in the wider society of Prague about the importance and methods of proper disposal and recycling of electronic waste. At this stage the project’s purpose is to do that through the collection of electronic devices as donations for reusing or recycling in exchange for benefits, such as coupons and discounts from partner companies and face organisations. The same partner organizations also assist us with the logistics and infrastructure needs.

The e-Waste Relief is in the process of partnering with Cesko Digital and a few other organizations. In order to achieve the goals of the project, selected key partners are introduced into our multi-stakeholder process of collection, registration and disposal of electronic devices in exchange for benefits and discounts. The success of such an initiative will install better habits in the wider society in what concerns e-waste recycling and will improve the electric and electronic waste equipment collection and recycling statistics. We are looking to expand this initiative in other regions in Europe, such as in Amsterdam. Such habits will also help the achievement of green goals and better functioning sustainably-minded consumer society.

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