Waste To Wealth

• The project connecting 3W uses fabric Waste material, convert them into products (Wealth) through Women led enterprises.

Vii Lab

Vii lab is a 3 dimensional interactive online platform specially designed to educate creators on materials science: chemistry & biology.


A software that monitores the validity date of the products you bought and warns you when just a little time is left before validity date expires.

Alien Appeal

Turning the unwanted into something appealing to the environment and to the eye.


Circular acoustic and thermal insulation foam building materials made from the soft rush.

Co-designing with Nature

Co-creating with nature by using mycelium cellulose as a replacement for short-term-use plastic products.

The Social Platform

A hands-on modular system that provides a synthesis of green building technologies in the face of a changing world.

Clothed Loop

An awareness campaign to reduce the environmental impact of fashion and online shopping.