Open source skateboard decks made from 100% recycled plastic.
Long description
I have developed a system to produce skateboard decks from 100% recycled plastic and I am releasing it open source.
The aspect that stands out most about recycled plastic products is the beauty of their appearance. What is often overlooked is how strong and durable they can be. I wanted to create a product that blows people’s expectations of what recycled plastic can really do! Thats why I chose skateboard decks, they are products that get put through extreme conditions: bumped, grinded and dropped.
These are the first traditional popsicle decks in the world to be made from 100% recycled plastic.
The current phase of the project is to re-build the mould, document the process and make a free opensource “Download Kit” containing all the information people need to be able to replicate it themselves which I will publish on the Precious Plastic Community Platform, along with “How-To” guides, so that it can be integrated in to 1000’s of pre-established plastic recycling business and organizations all across the world.
The aim is to challenge the stigmas attached to used plastic, from seeing it as waste to viewing it as a valuable resource, as well as change the current attitude towards recycling as being an inconvenience to an activity which is fun and constructive and a building block for communities.
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