A software that monitores the validity date of the products you bought and warns you when just a little time is left before validity date expires.
Long description
People from all over the world spend many hours planning, controlling and monitoring how the materials (whatever it be, but specially food) they bought are used. Great amounts of time are spent everyday in the observation of how goods are used, if their validity date is coming and how can materials better fit and satisfy our everyday’s demand. Many times the validity date has already passed out, so the food or perishable product has can’t be used anymore and turns out to be a waste. This is a problem that affects residences, businesses and governments. I really think I can help the world, and I’m sure my idea fits in all countries. Resicontrol is going to be a software that controls and monitore what products were used, how many are ready to be used, what are the validity dates and warns people when something they bought is reaching its validity date. All this using modern technologies that exists in smartphones: voice and written words recognizers. An example of how Resicontrol works: you buy many products in a supermarket, then take a photograph of your invoice (or talk orally/write what you bought) and Resicontrol will know what you bought, will compare the date you bought these products with the average time these products validity date expires and when this validity date is almost expiring, Resicontrol will notify you that you probably have to use the product soon cause its validity date is expiring.
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